There are many aspects to wellbeing and we aim to support both physical and mental wellbeing in all our staff and pupils.
The curriculum that we teach, in particular the Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Religious Education (RE), Physical Education (PE) and science curriculums have much that can contribute to understanding and supporting wellbeing. From relationships and interaction, diversity and inclusion, health and fitness. To be able to have discussion and reflection and to know where to ask for support if we need it. For more information on our curriculum please click here.
We have membership with Inspire+ and this supports many aspects, including wellbeing. Inspire@is a charity that provide sports coaching, mentoring and support to schools. We have regular support from a range of athletes, paralympians and coaches to enhance the children's physical activity. They also provide support for self esteem and sports leadership for young people. For more information about Inspire+ in our school please click here.
This is a key area where we can offer support - in terms of early help and advice for all families from the Children and Family Wellbeing Service. As part of our practice in school all classrooms have a worry box / worry monster to enable children to chare their concerns. Staff can then reflect on how they can support and address this - either as whole class or individually. We are sensitive to children's needs and worries and recognise that if something is causing them concern then it is important to address this. When we are feeling confident and comfortable we can best access learning activities - wellbeing is critical in us being in the right place to be the best we can be. For more information about safeguarding please click here.
Route to Resilience
This is an approach that we have received accreditation in. The values that we have embedded into our curriculum and approach in school help pupils and staff to model and use character strengths in different times. Sometimes we will need to use perseverance, be flexible, show compassion or need to show honesty and forgiveness - this is not always easy depending on the circumstances. For more information about Route to Resilience please click here.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
At school we have our own Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and this is Miss Jones. Miss Jones is qualified in this area with training from Leicestershire Educational Psychology. As part of her qualification she maintains links with Educational Psychology to ensure that she is able to offer the right advice and support to children. Staff in school are mindful of what this role can offer and may refer children to Miss Jones for support. For more information about ELSA please click here.
Medical Conditions or Additional Needs
The school welcomes all pupils and strives to support their varied needs – including medical conditions or specific additional needs. We will work with parents to learn about how best to support their child - in the short or long term. Please see the section on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or our policy for Administering Medication in School for more details.
If your child has a medical condition or need, such as asthma, eczema, diabetes – or if there is anything that you feel we need to be aware of – please contact us to discuss and we will be very happy to help.
Support for Parents – Important Contacts
We are aware that school is often a first port of call for parents however you can also access support directly from the services detailed below, should you need it:
Children and Family wellbeing service – 0116 3058727
Leicestershire Helpline
If you're an adult and live in Leicestershire, mental health crisis support is available:
- Telephone the free helpline: 0808 800 3302, 24 hours a day. Your call is confidential.
- Email Leicestershire.Helpline@turning–point.co.uk for a call back.
Comforts, advises and protects children 24 hours a day and offers free confidential counselling. Phone 0800 1111 (24 hours) Chat 1-2-1 with a counsellor online.
An online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free to access.
Young minds
Advice and information about young people’s mental health including information on CAMHS and what the next steps to seeking support are.
24 hour confidential listening and support for anyone who needs it. Phone 116 123 (24 hours) Information and support for mental health issues.
LGBT Stonewall
The UK charity for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. They offer information, advice. Phone 08000 50 20 20.
The UK's eating disorder charity. They have online support groups and a helpline for anyone under 18. Phone 0345 634 7650 (4pm – 10pm 365 days a year) Email fyp@beat.co.uk
The Mix
Information, support and listening on everything for young people. 0808 808 4994 (24 hours), get lots of support online.
Drugs and alcohol - Frank
Confidential information and advice about drugs and substance abuse, whether it's for you or someone else. 0800 7766 00 (24 hours, won't show up on your phone bill)