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School Performance Data

Schools are required to public their performance data annually.  This has been restricted in recent years post Covid but is now reportable again.  The most up-to-date data that we are able to share is therefore from Summer 2023 and is detailed below.  There is also a link to the Government Website where the data is presented.

"School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently."

Quotation above taken from the Gov.UK Find and Compare Schools Website

EYFS 2023

Percentage of pupils receiving a Good Level of Development has not been reported on this website due to only 5 children being eligible in the cohort. This would mean that individual pupils may be identified which is why the results have been suppressed.

Year 1 Phonics 2023

Percentage of pupils at Harby meeting the required standard:          86%

(Local Authority Average 82%, National Average 79%)

Key Stage 1 SATS 2023

Percentage of pupils at the expected standard or above in

Reading:          Harby 82%  (Local Authority Average 70%, National Average 68%)

Writing:            Harby 64%  (Local Authority Average 61%, National Average 60%)

Maths:              Harby 73%  (Local Authority Average 73%, National Average 70%)


Key Stage 2 SATS 2023

Percentage of pupils at the expected standard or above in:

Reading:         Harby 80%   (National Average 73%)

Writing:            Harby 80%  (National Average 71%)

Maths:              Harby 60%  (National Average 73%)

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling:       Harby 73%   (National Average 72%)

Science:           Harby 100%  (National Average 80%)

Combined Reading, Writing and Maths:      Harby 60%  (National Average 59%)

Percentage of pupils at the Higher Standard in:

Reading:         Harby 33%   (National Average 29%)

Writing:            Harby 27%  (National Average 13%)

Maths:              Harby 27%  (National Average 24%)

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling:       Harby 33%   (National Average 30%)

Combined Reading, Writing and Maths:      Harby 20%  (National Average 8%)

  For further KS2 detail and comparative data please click on the link below.                                                                                                                                                                                     
