SEND and Inclusion
Pupils may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) either throughout, or at any time, during their school career. At Harby we aim to offer excellence and choice to all our pupils, whatever their ability or needs. We have high expectations of all our pupils. We aim to achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning and participation. We want all our pupils to feel that they are a valued part of our school community. Through appropriate curricular provision, we respect the fact that pupils:
- Have different educational, physical, social and emotional needs and aspirations
- Require different strategies for learning
- Acquire, assimilate and communicate learning at different rates and in different ways
- Need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences
Access and Facilities
Harby C of E Primary School is a very old building and has had many alterations made to it over the last 160 years. It is Grade 2 Listed and therefore amendments and improvements are difficult. We do have some steps within the building and are therefore a split level site. Currently we do not have an ambulant toilet or disabled changing area. Unfortunately, our building is not currently fully wheelchair accessible without the use of ramps and, as we have no school car park, we have no disabled parking access to school. The school grounds are accessible to wheelchair users and we have a moveable ramp. Inside the school building the visual and auditory equipment include interactive touch screens, voice recording equipment, computer and word processing facilities, iPads with supportive apps and headphones. The range of equipment we currently have is to support learning for all pupils and is not currently specialist SEND equipment, encouraging inclusion and limiting differences. Should the equipment that we have not be appropriate then advice would be taken from external agencies working with the child and family. For example, it may be that Occupational Health help to provide appropriate seating or that Specialist Teaching Services recommend a product that we use our SEND budget to purchase.
Contact Details and Further Information
The SEND Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs. Bridget Bye and the Governor with responsibility for SEND is Miss Clasire Brown. Please contact either of them via the school office if you have any concerns or just wish to find out more and we will be happy to help.
There are a range of policies and information that underpin and support our work in this area which can be found below.