Reception and Year 1
Welcome to Class 1
Mrs Lewis teaches Reception and Year 1. Our classroom is ready to delight and fascinate the class with so many learning opportunities on offer.
We have additional staff who work with Class 1 this year, Learning Support Assistants, who work with specific children in the class - you can meet them on our school staff page.
Class 1 Top Tips, Reminders and Useful Links
- Please bring in a labelled pair of wellies for your child to keep at school on their peg.
- Please ensure that your child has their reading packet with them every day.
- We recommend 10 minutes reading every day. When you have listened to your child read their school reading book, please record this in the yellow reading record book.
- We will endeavour to change your child's books once a week, there is no set day for changing books.
- Please make sure that your child has their water bottle with them everyday.
- Our P.E. day is Tuesday and Thursday this term - make sure children bring in a bag with suitable P.E. kit to get changed into, including trainers on these days (see uniform page). Their P.E. bag can be kept on their peg in the cloakroom.
- We provide a small selection of fruit for morning snack. If your child would like to bring in snack from home please ensure it is either fruit, vegetables, cheese or yoghurt which is clearly labelled.
- We are using SeeSaw to share our learning with you.
- Please use SeeSaw to share your child's homework or other home learning.
- Unfortunately, children cannot bring in toys or books from home. If your child has an object/item that they would like to tell the class about, please make a video of this at home and share via Seesaw so that we can show the class.
- If you experience any problems using SeeSaw please let us know and we will do our best to help.