Our Staff
We have many different people that work in school to care for and support your children in all aspects of their learning and education. Staff at school are recognisable as we all wear a school badge with our name on - any member of staff will be pleased to help you. As we are a small school we are sure that you will soon get to know us all soon.
Staff Member | Role and Responsibilities |
Mrs. Bridget Bye |
Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead SENDCo, Teacher for Looked After Children Religious Education Subject Leader |
Mrs. Katie Ford |
Year 5/6 Class Teacher Senior Teacher Maths Subject Leader, Computing Subject Leader, P.E. Subject Leader, Music Subject Leader Educational Visits Coordinator Staff Governor |
Mrs. Becky Lewis |
Reception/Year 1 Class Teacher Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead PSHCE Subject Leader Route to Resilience and Healthy Schools Coordinator Everyone's Welcome Lead |
Mrs. Joanne Hodder |
Year 2/3/4 & Year 5/6 Class Teacher Science Subject Leader, Design Technology Subject Leader, Foreign Languages Subject Leader Food for Life Coordinator |
Mrs. Zoe Marsden |
Year 2/3/4 Class Teacher English Subject Leader - including responsibility for Phonics, Reading, Writing, Handwriting, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. |
Mrs. Christine Trimmer |
Intervention Teacher (all week pm) History Subject Leader, Geography Subject Leader |
Mrs. Maddie Coats |
Learning Support Assistant and Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) Lunchtime Supervision |
Miss Katie Pomfrett |
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs. Karen Daniels |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Mrs. Heidi French |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Mrs. Annie Sibson |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Mrs. Jenny Carter |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Mrs. Karen Pearson |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Miss. Ella Daniels |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Mrs. Margaret Staite |
Learning Support Assistant Lunchtime Supervision |
Mr. Sam Dobson |
Sports and PE Apprentice Lunchtime Supervision and Activities After School Care and Clubs |
Mrs. Marion Perring |
Administration Assistant
Mrs. Tracy Roythorne |
Premises Officer |
There are no members of staff that have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. |