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Foreign Languages

Subject Lead: Mrs. Joanne Hodder


We teach our children Modern Foreign Languages, which in our school is focussed mainly on French, to generate a fascination for words and how language works, a wider curiosity about the peoples and cultures of Modern Foreign Language-speaking countries and the foundational knowledge to support confident communication in another language.

Essential Knowledge

We teach three core strands of essential knowledge:

1. Phonics – the key components of the sound-writing relationship
2. Vocabulary – a set of the most frequently used words
3. Grammar – the essential building blocks required to create simple sentences independently
(including gender of nouns, singular and plural forms, adjectives (place and agreement), and
the conjugation of key verbs)

Our Modern Foreign Language curriculum is designed to enable our children to:

  • Develop linguistic and communicative competence
  • Extend their knowledge of how language works
  • Explore similarities and differences between the language we are studying, any heritage languages our children have, and English
  • The teaching of a foreign language to every child in KS2 is a statutory requirement, as set out in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study (2014).


Foreign Language Policy and Curriculum Overview

The links below allow you to access our French policy and the curriculum plan that support the planning and development of teaching and learning in computing across the school.